Explore Perth Family Medicine Patient Resources

The Ottawa Hospital: Sexual Assault + Partner Abuse Care Program – Providing confidential trauma-sensitive medical care.

Assaulted Women’s Helpline - Free, anonymous, and confidential 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis service to all women in the province of Ontario who has experienced any form of abuse,

Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre - The Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre (ORCC) supports trans and cis women, trans men, two-spirit, gender-fluid, and non-binary survivors. +1 (613) 562-2333

The Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa - The Sexual Assault Support Center (SASC) supports all womyn: cis or trans, immigrant, aboriginal, queer, differently-abled, womyn of colour, survivors of war, and torture.

Victim Services Lanark - Victim Services Lanark County (formerly VCARS) is a community-based program working in partnership with police, emergency services, child protection (CAS), Victim Witness Assistance Program, and local agencies.

Interval House - Lanark County Interval House and Community Support offers emergency and ongoing programs to women and children living in or escaping from domestic violence. +1 (800) 267-4409

Smart Recovery: Free addictions self-help/mutual support meetings, available locally. In-person and virtual meetings are available.